How can I help my child – and myself – ease first day of school jitters?

Easing First-Day Jitters: Tips from The Village

The first day of daycare or preschool can be a mix of excitement and nerves for both children and parents. As your child’s childcare providers, we understand these feelings and want to help make the transition as smooth as possible. Here are some tips to ease those first-day jitters:

For Parents:

  • Talk About It Positively: Share your enthusiasm about childcare and all the fun things your child will experience. Read books or watch videos about starting at a school.
  • Visit the Childcare Center: If possible, schedule a visit beforehand so your child can get familiar with the environment and meet some of the teachers.
  • Establish a Routine: Start adjusting your child’s sleep schedule and mealtimes a few days before daycare starts. This will help them adapt to the daycare routine.
  • Say a Confident Goodbye: Even if it’s hard, keep your goodbye short and sweet. Let your child know you love them and will be back to pick them up.

For Children:

  • Meet and Greet: Attend any orientation or open house events to meet the teachers and other children.
  • Explore the Classroom: During your visit, let your child explore the classroom and play with some of the toys. This will help them feel more comfortable on the first day.
  • Share Feelings: Encourage your child to talk about any worries they have about starting daycare.
  • Read Books & Watch Shows: There are many wonderful children’s books and TV shows about starting childcare or preschool.
  • Practice the Routine: Talk about what to expect during a typical day.


  • It’s Okay to Feel Nervous: It’s perfectly normal for children to feel a little nervous or even cry on the first day. Our experienced teachers are here to provide comfort and support.
  • Separation Anxiety is Common: It may take a few days or weeks for your child to adjust to being away from you. We’ll work with you to help your child feel safe and secure.
  • Communication is Key: Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We’re here to partner with you in your child’s early education journey.

We can’t wait to welcome your little one to our family!

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