What should I be doing to discourage or redirect my child’s challenging behaviors that seem to be getting worse?

FLIP IT!® Help your child become emotionally stronger by working through a process to reinforce their skillset for self-management rather than administering punishment that makes them feel misunderstood and weaker.

Author Rachel Wagner, Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and National Trainer for Devereux Center for Resilient Children has summarized the latest research on working with children who exhibit challenging behaviors.  She distilled the state of the art into a 4-step process that can be used by anyone who is challenged by a young child’s behavior — parents, grandparents, guardians, and teachers.  FLIP IT!® is the title of her book which describes the process as:

  • Feelings – respect their feelings and listen to their explanation of those feelings so you can get to the root cause of the behavior you are seeing or experiencing
  • Limits – establish boundaries and safety around the feelings they are experiencing
  • Inquiries – help the child engage their brain to think about their feelings and lead them through problem-solving so they learn and experience self-control
  • Prompts – offer them your thoughts and ideas for coping strategies to help them become problem solvers on their own.

Learn more from Rachel in this YouTube video.

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